How to Soothe a Cough Naturally

Home Remedies

Coughing is part of the body's natural process of clearing irritants and infections from the body, but when coughing persists, it's no wonder we start seeking out ways to make it stop. Whether you are actively avoiding cold medications or simply need a simple solution in a pinch, the following are effective ways to naturally soothe a cough.

Swallow honey

Dark honey has been found at times to be just as effective at soothing a cough than over-the-counter medications. You can swallow a spoonful of honey or mix it in tea to coat your throat. Honey will soothe your throat and can help kill off bacteria to aid in the healing process. Note that honey is not safe for children under 1 year of age.

Drink ginger tea

Ginger has anti-inflammatory qualities, which can help relax airways and reduce coughing. Pack an extra punch (and improve flavor) by adding honey and/or lemon.

Stay hydrated

When you've got a cough, drink plenty of water but avoid cold beverages. Go for water, tea and clear broths at room temperature or warmer.

Gargle salt water

If you've got a sore throat and mucus when you cough, a salt water gargle may be just the trick. Salt water will help reduce the amount of mucus and phlegm at the back of the throat, lessening your need to cough.

Inhale peppermint

The menthol in peppermint can help soothe a raw throat and acts as a decongestant to break down mucus. You can diffuse peppermint essential oil in a diffuser or add it to a warm bath.

What to do if your cough persists

Sometimes, coughing can be a sign of a serious medical issue. If coughing is affecting your ability to breathe or if you're coughing up blood or excessive amounts of phlegm, see your primary care physician. Find tips to to soothe a sore throat naturally and boost your immune system during the Winter months.

If you don't have a primary care physician, MyHealthKC can help match you with the right primary care provider. Just take this survey and MyHealthKC will show you a list of providers who match your personality and needs.